Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Note to self and sisters:

If you're wearing a skirt, you can't see the pedals to get the clips on. This is not good and causes weaving and near-misses in traffic. Uncool.

Yesterday I called Tanya to wish her a happy birthday and at the climax of my yodling, squawking rendition, the voice-mail system thought I'd pressed a key...part of my song was the exact tone of, say, the star key. I had to start over.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, I am just aching to meet the little snicker-doodle. I can't believe I haven't held him yet - he's already over a week old! I've missed his crazy, space-traveler newborn eyes (I am so peeved about this), and rumor has it that he's already starting to pudge out. Baby pudge!

Oh, and Jess:

"Sweet Jersey Cow" Rice Pudding

1 c. Jasmine rice
6 c. whole milk
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. butter
1 something of salt
(then cinnamon, cardamom, mace, whatever)

Bring milk and other stuff to a LOW boil.
Add rice, and turn down heat.
Stir occasionally until done - but remember it thickens considerably, so...

stop cooking early!