What's left over

So, Erin moved out last week. She'd holed up in the back apartement for a bit over a month while she was preparing (emotionally, mostly) to make the move to NYC. We left her in the back, stocked with a bed, a bathroom, and our beer fridge. That last one, as you might imagine, was the mistake...
Because, evidently, Erin is a lush. Admittedly, we aren't big drinkers, and I think maybe Erin had company over quite a bit. Or at least talked on the phone regularly. In any case, the number of beers she consumed was a bit astounding. She's restocked the fridge with Oberon and other yummies, but we remain in awe of her beverage-related abilities.
Here's to you, Erin! Bottoms up, and good luck!
(Now, if only we can find a way to restock our Penn Pilsner - maybe we'll make Alexis's mom bring a case or two when she visits.)
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