Monday, February 06, 2006

Yinzer for a day

Last night may have been the first time we ever sat together for the purposes of watching even a part of the Superbowl. It's true - I have very little idea of how the game is played, but love the Steelers unabashedly nonetheless. And who can resist a stadium of Cope's terrible towels, as asinine as they are?

It was enticing, watching Bettis's belly bounce up the field and down the field, but we actually spent a surprising amount of time watching other bellies on TV. Animal Planet was showing the (Second Annual) Puppy Bowl. It is simply footage of about six puppies in a pen, playing with toys.

We laughed it off, at first, rejecting the shameless pull of the cute (I was offended for my demographic). But there's something about puppies rolling around and falling down that is absolutely *captivating*. We kept trying to get away, and they'd hit us again with the Waterbowl Cam (a camera at the bottom of the waterbowl) or a tussle that we couldn't stop watching. It was fine television, and we switched back just in time for the last few minutes and the Bus's last stop.